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The Ogham

B(Beithe):The Birch
M:(Muin): The Vine
F:(Fearn): The Alder
S:(Sail): The Willow
N:(Nion): The Ash
H:(Huath): The Hawthorn
D:(Duir): The Oak
T:(Tinne): The Holly
C:(Coll): The Hazel
Q:(Queirt): The Apple
M:(Muin): The Vine
G:(Gort)The Ivy
nG:(nGetal): Broom
St:(Straiph): The Blackthorn
R:(Ruis): The Elder
A:(Ailm): The Fir
O:(Onn): The Furze
U:(Ur): The Heather
E:(Eadhadh): The Aspen
I:(Idhadh): The Yew

The Ogham Alphabet and Corresponding Tree Pages

G:Gort-The Vine

The Ivy
Ivy (Old English, ifig). Dedicated to Bacchus from the notion that it is a preventive of drunkenness. But whether the Dionysian ivy is the same plant as that which we call ivy is doubtful, as it was famous for its golden berries, and was termed chryso-carpos. Ivy (in Christian art). Symbol of everlasting life, from its remaining continually green. An ivy wreath was the prize of the Isthmian games, till it was superseded by a pine garland. The plant was sacred to Bacchus and Osiris.
Ivy Bush Like an owl in an ivy-bush. Having a sapient, vacant look, as some persons have when in their cups; having a stupid vacant stare. Owls are proverbial for their judge-like solemnity, and ivy is the favourite plant of Bacchus. Gray, in his Elegy, refers to the Owl and the Ivy.
"From yonder ivy-mantled tower
The moping owl doth to the moon complain
Of such as, wandering near her secret bower,
Molest her ancient solitary reign."
Stanzs 3.
The Dictionary of Phrase and Fable This hypertext edition is © 1997-99 Maytech Publishing Ltd TEXT
Copyright © 1994-1998 The Virtual Garden ™, All Rights Reserved Celtic Tree Mysteries:Secrets of the Ogham/By Steven Blamires:Lewellyn 1997

Here are some links to pages about or featuring the Ivy Plant

IVY:Culpeper: The Complete Herbal